Comprehensive audit system
Unlike one-dimensional checklists, SecuScore ranks your organisation on two main dimensions, telling you what standards you are implementing, to what extent and what you need to do to achieve your objectives.
Unlike one-dimensional checklists, SecuScore ranks your organisation on two main dimensions, telling you what standards you are implementing, to what extent and what you need to do to achieve your objectives.
Set of web tools for a 360° audit and in-depth analysis
Rapid discovery of your strengths and correction of defects
Complete audit templates for effective action
Used in a wide range of activities
Based on a model
SecuScore compares the results to the audited sector model, so you can immediately understand your situation.
Start quickly with an existing template or customise it to the standards you need. You can even develop your own templates when the need arises.
Optimised documents
Save time and avoid confusion.
SecuScore produces ready-to-present reports that make the results easier to read and understand.
Share reports as PDF files with anyone you like, or view them directly in SecuScore.
Comparative reports
Track your progress by comparing the audit results to a previous point, or compare different sites and locations to understand how each is performing.
Comparison reports are the quickest way to draw clear conclusions.
Avoid contradictory information resulting from different methods and opinions.
SecuScore ensures a high degree of audit consistency by standardising templates and workflows. This ensures that any future audits can be easily compared with previous ones.
Multimedia documentation
Prove your conclusions by uploading files attached to your report.
All file formats are supported and you can keep full traceability of every document linked to your audits.
SecuScore scores your organisation on a progression axis showing the standards or end states you wish to implement, starting from the lowest level and working your way up.
The maturity axis allows you to compare the implementation of these standards between the current situation and the desired level of implementation, or level of acceptable risk, which is defined by the Board of Directors.
The benchmark used in the application is defined by this level of acceptable risk. It ensures that SecuScore is perfectly aligned with management’s vision and translates this vision into an operational assessment tool.
As a result, every corrective and mitigating action suggested by SecuScore helps to align with the objectives set by the company’s management.
SecuScore rates the maturity of each state on a scale of -2 to 2, as follows:
The final end state is not implemented at all
The final state is implemented on certain resources or elements, but not to an adequate extent
The end state has been implemented to the minimum extent possible, but improvements are desirable
The end state is implemented to an adequate extent
The final state is implemented in its entirety
SecuScore allows you to create or customise models
SecuScore compares the audit results with the model for the sector audited
SecuScore shows you how to achieve your own levels of standardisation, and the extent to which you comply with best practice and regulations in your industry.